How to Remove Skunk Smell

Skunk smell will linger in the air for a short while, but will quickly dissipate within a few hours. What keeps the smell of a skunk around is if it is absorbed into porous surfaces, or remains stuck to the exterior of non-permeable surfaces. As we talk about in almost every article regarding skunks, their spray has an oily base that not only keeps it from evaporating quickly, but also makes it resistant to water and quite sticky.

If you or your pet have been sprayed by a skunk on the skin or hair, then you will need to use the proper mixture of household chemicals in order to remove it. Water or any chemicals diluted in water will only make the stench spread across your skin. Tomato paste may be effective at neutralizing the smell for a short amount of time but will not completely eliminate the source of the smell. You need to mix together in a container a quart of hydrogen peroxide, a third of a cup of baking soda, and a teaspoon of dish soap. Extrapolate this formula for larger cleanups. In layman’s terms, the mixture functions as a degreaser, a light abrasive, and also sterilizes. This is especially useful if you have any open wounds where the skunk has sprayed.

If you’re going to attempt to remove the spray of a skunk from your clothing, do not throw it in the washing machine. You will be very upset when you spread that smell to your washing machine and have to go out and purchase another. The oily nature of the spray will allow it to stick around in the drum of your washing machine, and that odor will never be gone, ever. For any clothing that has skunk spray on it, you should go out and get yourself a 5 gallon bucket from a home supply store. Then you’ll fill it with the mixture I’ve described above and allow it to soak for several hours. If the smell isn’t gone after a single thorough cleaning, you’ll need to get rid of that clothing. Do not burn the clothing coated in skunk oil unless you want to smell it.

In the event that a skunk sprays your fence, deck, siding, shed, or any other part of your home, you’ll want to remove that mess ASAP. the skunk oils will stay there for just about forever and they are a disgusting shade of yellow that probably doesn’t match your home’s current aesthetic. Use the magic formula of peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap described above to effectively neutralize this smelly compound and restore your home to its former glory. For stucco and brick exteriors, a large handled brush is a must, but allowing the cleaning solution to sit for a while and wiping it with the rough side of a sponge will do the trick on vinyl siding.

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